Enhance productivity.
Stay independent.
Thrive in the Age of AI.

EASLEY AI can write and audit code, answer company-relevant questions, help navigate corporate documentation, write product texts, proposals, job ads, and much more.

Admittedly, any standard generative AI platform does that. What makes EASLEY different is what it doesn’t do. It does not take control of your data. It does not lock you to a specific model provider. And it does not operate externally to the business, thus failing to integrate to existing business processes.

EASLEY’s advantage is that it strategically orchestrates and leverages existing AI models, quickly connects them to your unique business data, tools, and processes, and centralises and stores all AI-usage and data securely within EASLEY – not with the model provider – to ensure full transparency and governance of AI.

In short, EASLEY is a generative AI platform like any other – except way more secure, independent, flexible, and lean.

EASLEY AI is secure and independent

EASLEY understands your business

Standardised AI platforms typically output generic results. Instead, EASLEY delivers outputs that are specifically tailored to align with unique business processes via priming. Priming is a process where a foundation model – eg. GPT or Llama – is linked to specific business usage by using specialised prompts and augmented user input to ensure the best response from the model. This priming approach is cost-efficient and keeps the business agile.

EASLEY is model agnostic

Building or finetuning an AI model is a costly, time-consuming endeavour that often results in a model rendered obsolete by the time it is ready for deployment. Instead, EASLEY primes an existing model – any model – with unique business data. EASLEY, in other words, is model agnostic – use GPT-4, Claude, Llama, or something completely else – the choice is yours.

With EASLEY, your data does not escape you

Using a standard AI platform is difficult while keeping control of what business data is shared with the model provider. EASLEY keeps data and algorithms safely and privately stored in EASLEY, allowing for easy model-change without affecting operations. With EASLEY, it is easy to control what data is shared with model providers and when it is shared.

EASLEY integrates existing tools and processes with AI

Most AI tools are standalone products that do not integrate to existing business tools and processes. EASLEY, on the other hand, offers integration points that allow other tools to seamlessly connect with its platform. This lets EASLEY function alongside existing tools and processes, enhancing them rather than replacing them.

EASLEY orchestrates your AI-processes

EASLEY operates as a centralised platform that ensures a holistic overview and tracking of all AI use cases while keeping their data and governance of usage external from the model provider. To encapsulate, EASLEY is not merely about executing a request or processing an instruction. It’s about orchestrating AI in the most coherent, safe, and efficient manner to raise efficiency, quality, and productivity in a business. In this way, EASLEY acts as a true digitisation partner, enriching your current systems and processes while providing the benefits of advanced AI integration.

EASLEY utilises proven tools to empower your productivity

Navigating the complexities of technology integration, EASLEY serves as an “artificial assistant,” enhancing knowledge, efficiency, and quality assurance without leading to vendor lock-in. It employs advanced tools like zero-shot classification, workflow control, and specialised agents to assure high quality and raise productivity by boosting efficiency. Furthermore, EASLEY harnesses modern platforms in a streamlined infrastructure, making it an easy add-on to your digitisation journey. In essence, EASLEY is a productivity partner that puts your business at the forefront of the digital age.

How it works

A client, such as EASLEY’s chat interface or an external system, calls an intention in EASLEY. Based on this given intention, EASLEY finds the best-fitted information from available resources, such as processed documentation that has been loaded from the business documentation or data, and information from external systems.

This information is then collected by EASLEY and a request to the selected model is made. The response is sent back to the original requester.

What's in the box?

Process Integration


The rapidly evolving landscape of AI has unleashed a plethora of capabilities, from drafting mails to analysing datasets. The real potential of these tools, however, lies in their ability to integrate seamlessly into existing processes. In EASLEY, this is addressed with two features: Intentions and Agents.

Intentions are specific areas in which the system operates. They represent the rationale behind any interaction between the user or system and the underlying AI model. Each intention comes with a unique logic, set of instructions, and context to enhance the model’s effectiveness in the specific purpose. Intentions integrate AI into workflows and business processes, augmenting current procedures rather than disrupting them. This supports a smoother transition to an AI-enhanced work environment, enabling each system and application to operate within the context of its intended purpose.

Alongside Intentions, EASLEY also offers Agents. Agents are specialized handlers of workflows, designed to amplify a model’s capabilities in automating processes and handling intricate tasks. They are used by Intentions and encapsulate specific roles or functions, allowing the model to address diverse challenges more effectively and in parallel. Agents utilize AI as a reasoning engine to determine which actions to take and in which order.

Not every organization has the same needs. Intentions and Agents brings together the powerful capabilities of AI and the unique nuances of business workflows. EASLEY augments current processes rather than disrupt them. This integration supports a smoother transition to an AI-enhanced work environment, enabling each system and application to operate within the context of its intended purpose.

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Mathias Nysom Flohr