A real-time data engine that drives growth.

PULSE is a control tower for a real-time data ecosystem that allows businesses to share and act on a single source of truth. It facilitates adaptable planning and forecasting in changing circumstances, breaking down silos and providing a single view of plan, execution, and results.​

We all know the feeling: the world runs by in real-time; Our plans do not. Call that the latency problem. Much of reality also happens outside of our field of vision. Call that the small world problem.

Most of the time, businesses make decisions in small worlds full of latency. PULSE is our solution to that problem – it turns the volatile, entangled nature of the world into an asset.

By leveraging real-time data, PULSE solves the latency problem.

By leveraging distributed data, PULSE solves the small-world problem – all on a single platform.

The result is in-sync, distributed decision-making across your organization.

PULSE: A real-time engine that drives growth

Collaborate in real-time based on data

Pulse provides a solid foundation for unified and data-driven eco-system orchestration. 

Take control – intelligently plan and execute your operation based on real-time data 

Take collaborative decisions based on a shared understanding of the operational situation. 

Break down silos and collaborate based on a single source of truth 

Enable operational AI

AI modelling in operational contexts allows for better decision-making based on predictive analytics, optimizations and scenario simulations.  

With Pulse’s data fabric and composable architecture, organizations are equipped to utilize AI now and embrace advancements as they evolve. 

Develop strategically on a platform

Compose, configure, and innovate with ready-made standard features and add custom features.  

Reduce complexity with independent modules representing a well-defined business capability instead of huge monolith systems.  

Open & agnostic – cherry pick and build up brick for brick  

Comes with a wide range of modules – minimize in-house development of commodity and lets you focus on developing for differentiation 

Enjoy low-risk implementation

Pulse integrates to your existing systems. Business logic can remain untouched. 

Best-of-need – cherry-pick what your business truly needs and consumes. 

Transition gradually and in your own pace – minimizing both risk and cost.  

Less risk as the platform performs and is security-mature 

Accelerate transition

Massive investments have been made in the Pulse platform to ensure accelerated digitalisation with full control.  

Fewer costs as it is much faster to get started and develop on the platform 

You are not in an expensive software prison – You own the platform. 

What is in the box?

Integrations Platform


Integrate easily to your existing system landscape using high quality, well-documented APIs.

  • Single integration gateway
  • Multiple inbound and outbound integration types
  • Governance and full traceability on all integrations

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Mehdi Motaghiani