The Central Data Distribution Platform acts as the central nervous system for Denmark’s digital ecosystem. Nearly all systems (especially in the Governmental and Financial Sector) in the country that utilize addresses, citizen information, businesses, real estate, cadastral, maps, and numerous other data points source their information from The Central Data Distribution Platform or from distribution systems that receive their data from it.
The Central Data Distribution Platform distributes data to a host of different IT systems, processes more than 70 million calls daily, and handles a daily data volume of 2.5 terabytes, with a peak load of up to 2,000 requests pr. second.
A shutdown would disrupt businesses, public authorities, and individuals alike, making the system absolutely society-critical.
With Netcompany’s successful transition, the plan is to ensure high operation level, further develop and modernize the system, enhancing its readiness for future data demands and improving its data quality and utilization capabilities.